Fundamental principles for healthy ecosystems that support all life.


We currently offering workshops and in the process of developing self directed and mentored online courses aimed directly at horse owners and small hobby farmers with livestock.

There is excitement about the regenerative agriculture movement however most of the information is geared towards large, intensive crop farming that if animals are present at all, tends to almost exclusively be large ruminants. 

Horses can be used to improve the soils and in turn their

If everyone works to restore the piece of land that they control, we can have a BIG impact on reducing our expenses & help to RESTORE the ecosystem at large.

health. Horses are often seen as destructive grazers and many modern domestic horses suffer from metabolic disorders, obesity, ulcers and other maladies.

This information addresses these factors and many more as it intends to show you how to manage and or set up pastures, to rebuild degraded pastures, address weed pressures, manage parasites with minimal to no chemical inputs that can be hazardous to your horses overall health, improve drought resistance, improve pasture forage quantity and nutrition, and overall improve the well being of the land and all it supports. 


OO1. Fundamental Principles of Healthy Farm Ecosystem Management & Proper Design

You need to know the WHY before you get to the HOW to maximize your results.

  • There are many benefits of implementing these concepts on your rented or leased land. It becomes a healthier environment, your animals will do better, your input costs and labor will go down freeing up valuable time to ride etc. and you will improve the aesthetics of the land keeping the owners and neighbors happy.

  • We are always looking to partner with hosts to run in person workshops. We offer a two day workshop at your facility that covers the basic concepts of the regenerative, permaculture approach to managing your your farm ecology along with an introduction to setting it up to best meet the needs of your horses, yourself and your land. Having healthy land will pay big dividends as it will provide your stock with better, natural nutrition as your soils improve nutrient cycling. You will need to spend less on supplements and health care. Healthy, organic rich soils also go a long way to building drought resilience on your land as they are able to hold huge amounts of extra water as you develop this “soil sponge” Good design also helps to reduce daily drudgery. Some basic scientific principles are necessary for the understanding of the concepts, but we guarantee that we are keeping these simple and fun. Along with the basic science and ecological principles, we will explore what needs the horse has, and how it has evolved and adapted. Using the ideas of biomimicry, we explore compromises that best suit the keeping of physically and mentally well horses, meet our needs as recreational horse owners and also best meet the needs of our land so that it can in turn provide its best for us. Watch for one of these workshops in your area, or contact us for details on how you can host.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Have you ever wondered…

  • Yes, by supporting a healthy above and below ground ecosystem, you are doing your part by holding and cleaning water, increasing biodiversity and nutrient cycling and improving your drought and fire resilience. If all the little bits of land are fixed, the climate will fix itself.

  • With a proper grazing plan tailored to horses innate needs and good pasture management, weeds can be controlled without destructive and poisonous chemicals.


Our services range from online, in person to one-on-one consults as well as lab services. We are here to meet the unique needs of your land and project.

  • Workshops are a great in person learning experience with hands on learning and demos. Bring your friends together to learn and start building a supportive community in your area.

  • We can come and do a consultation on your property. This will provide you with feedback and suggestions on what you can feasibly improve or retrofit for your current setup.

    Doing a new build? We would love to give you ideas to improve efficiencies and lower your inputs in the planning stages to help you prevent mistakes that are expensive and sometimes even impossible to recover from. We believe that drudgery is a failure to plan.

    Although not a comprehensive plan, these services come complete with a written report of what was discussed and suggested.

  • We are currently in the process of becoming certified as a ssoil food web lab. In the meantime, we will be happy to diret you to a lab that is already up and running.

  • We guide you through the process and help you to design a permaculture principle based plan for your property. This is the most comprehensive package and will give you a detailed plan customized to your property and your needs. This will help to ensure maximum health of your ecosystem for maximum production.


Our offerings are meant to serve you

  • The courses offer and extensive overview of the basic concepts and science to give you the tools to see your land with different eyes and begin to make a new and improved management plan.

  • Workshops are an in person dive into the same subjects as the course, in a group and hands on learning style. There will be opportunity to begin the planning of all the participants properties and collective brainstorming to help to cement the concepts.

  • The soil testing lab is anticipated to be up and running in the spring of 2024. It will be a resource to have your soil biology analysed to see how you are making progress and what issues may need addressing.

  • We can come to your property and work with you to point out what is going right along with the issues that could use improving, after which you will be supplied with an extensve written summary of the visit for future reference. Some of this can alo be done on line.

We are all players in a wonderful and diverse ecosystem and as individuals have the power to help it flourish for the benifit of all. We need to not just look, but to see - even the invisible.